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this is only a fraction, hopefully more to be added soon. also if your pc explodes its none of my business
an attempt at archiving my bookshelf
Author: Monica Düring
year: 1999
page count: 703
comment: a colection of 18th century anatomical wax figures, all of the texts are written in multiple languages, i think ive posted an excerpt in the blog tab somewhere before
Author: Paul Herre
year: 1912
page count: ca. 200
comment: first half is just picturs adn the second half is just text. the cover has some nice gold detailing
Author: I. Maljar
year: 1981
page count: 62
comment: its a travel guide for Almaty in Kasachstan, originally published in russian. i found this in a huge pile of trashbags filled with books and bought it cause i liked the design. it even comes with a foldable map in the back
Author: V. Dolinek / J. Durdik
year: 1995
page count: 352
comment: cool book i got at a fleamarket, apparently theres multiple versions of it. Showcases european weapons and firearms from the 15th to 19th century. besides that its also famous for being my mousepad when working in bed.
Author: Wilhelm Pinder
year: 1921
page count: 96
comment: this thing is old as balls but the pages themselves are still in pretty good condition
Author: Ron E. Hassner
year: 2022
page count: 184
comment: a work on interrogational torture and its effectiveness during the spanish inquisition, also applied to modern scenarious of torture as a tool of statecraft. very insightful book, extremely dry read of course but medieval judical systems are one of my favorite topics ever.
Author: Gerhard Ulrich
year: 1972
page count: 464
comment: collection of german art from the 9th to the 20th century. with a decidedly nonpatriotic framing in case you were worried lol. not sure if it comes across on the pictures but this book is fucking huge. and heavy. amazing contents tho
Author: Thomas Höft
year: 1998
page count: 217
comment: i was surprised when i saw this was from the 90s, for some reason it looks much newer. anyways, this book showcases a bunch of armor and weaponry from the Zeughaus in Graz. the selection of helmets rlly stands out to me since some of them are pretty unconventional (goofy looking lmao)
Author: Q Hayashida
year: 2020
page count: 340
comment: coolest artbook i own, some of the segments are printed on different kinds of paper and with different printing techniques
Author: Emerson Tung
year: 2024
page count: 231
comment: had this one preordered for about a year, i mean... its pretty cool. maybe not worth as much as i spent on it but its cool lol
Author: Daniel / Geo Fuchs
year: 2007
page count: doesnt say. id guess about 200-300
comment: this was printed at the place my parents work at, so the ppl behind it gifted one to my dad and he gave it to me now. i think this book mightve started my fascination for yellowy gross color schemes (altho i dont indulge in them as often as id like to). i also have a version of the chicken one on my wall. various conserved lifeforms!
Author: /
year: 2014
page count: 238
comment: you know at first i wasnt a big fan of the ds2 artdirection but it grew on me over the years
Editor: Patrick Frey / Andreas Koller
year: 2021
page count: 289
comment: basically a 1:1 reacreation of HR Gigers sketchbook at the set of Poltergeist II (1986) including even the ink bleeding through the paper. it feels and looks like an actual sketchbook, pretty crazy. also it normally costs 98€ but i got it for free cause my dad worked on it aswell harharhar
Author: Tsutomu Nihei
year: 2003
page count: 151
comment: this is the french version since it was the only one in stock (life hack)
Author: Jan Sach
year: 1999
page count: 256
comment: any type of bladed weapon, rlly good for weird and ornate novelty shit
Author: /
year: 2012
page count: 253
comment: its so tiny that i had to hold it open, so appologies for my dirty fingernails
Author: J.M. Bourgery / N.H. Jacob
year: 2005
page count: 829
comment: the book itself isnt that old but the illustrations are from the 18th century. also i may or may not have left it on my window still for an entire summer so the cover got a little messed up
Author: Selim Varol
year: 2012
page count: 228
comment: i have very vivid memories of flipping through this book after school and my dads asshole coworker patrick jumpscaring me with the terminator page. a lot of the pictures really freaked me out back then but i was very fascinated by them at the same time. maybe thats where my interest in toys and figures comes from
Author: Masala Noir
year: /
page count: 72
comment: title says it all. i mostly just bought it cause i thought it was funny