age:late 20s early 30s
profession: bounty hunter
personality: business oriented

Born into a 12-headed family of farmers and not particularly good at anything, Dahn has been taking on odd jobs as long as he can remember. Naturally, the mind wanders to fantasies of a grander, more evenful life. Maybe that of a holy knight of sorts, but money and status aside, he can't get himself to truly be devoted to anything, let alone a diety. At age 19, he got drafted as a cheap footsoldier and sent off to fight in a number of meaningless conflicts. Nothing out of the ordinary in that area or time. Until the frequency of victims suffering from necrotic wounds started to rise drastically within the span of a year. Dahn was deployed on a, as it turned out in the end, futile scouting mission as cannon fodder to test the enemies defenses. Instead of dying on the field, he got imprisoned within the liches dungeons, which was the last thing he could remember for the next 6 years. Once he woke up, there was nothing left of the fortress but empty ruins and hallways. As he dragged himself out of the now delapidated gates, he didn't feel the wind or the rain or his aching body or any sort of sensation at all, for that matter. He couldn't even bring himself to eat or sleep. Clearly, as a departing gift, the lich has left him a curse all to himself. Now, for the first time, he had a clear, tangiable obstacle in his way, holding him back from the life he always wanted to lead. Once he found a cure for his ailment, he could truly start to work towards his future. of curse, since there is no obvious solution in sight, he would have to go back to work. Far away from the social layers of society and, most importantly, far away from his family, he would take on odd jobs once again, this time as a bounty hunter. years and years spent that way till he can finally cure himself and become someone better, worth of returning. Of course, somewhere deep down, Dahn is probably very much aware that he is, in fact, already dead. But then again, it makes for a great excuse.