(these will will be public obv )
i'm sure you have heard it time and time before, but i want to say that your art is so inspiring to me. can i ask, how do you prevent art theft? i have an art website of my own, and i get worried someone will take from it
glad you like my work, regarding the question: i dont. lmao. well, tbh i dont care much about reposts the only thing that bothers me about them is that i cant delete them myself when i wanna get rid of cringe old art. so techically i even prefer it when theyre uncredited reposts cause that way they cant be traced back to me. altho thats not an invitation to anyone, best case is no reposts at all. what i genuinly hate tho is people impersonating me cause that has happened a couple of times where people turned their entire online existence into a freaky pathetic flesh suit of my image. unfortunately i cant exactly do anything about that besides maybe reporting the account (but lets be real that never does anything). so yea in short, besides watermarks (which i dont use) youre kinda helpless to theft thats just the way of the web unfortunately. but personally i dont rlly care too much (besides those crazy stalker incidents) and in most cases its honestly not a big deal since it doesnt hurt you directly besides being super annoying
how long did it take for you to make this website? it's so cool!
i started it in 2021 and since then have spent a long time working on it since it used to be my main hobby for a while. idk how much but probably something like 800h lol.... altho much of the stuff i spent so much time on is no longer accessible
is there anywhere you are active other than this site?
theres links in the about page
If you had to choose, between becoming a squirrel or a rat, what would you choose?
i guess a squirrel? i feel like they have better chances of living a pretty chill life i wouldnt wanna hang out in the sewers all day and have some exterminator hunt me down. unless i get to choose more specifically then id be one of those pet rats that sit on punk guys shoulders and die of testicle cancer
what program do you use to animate and adding halftones and textures?
procreate, i dont like drawing in it tho
your art is very cool and i love all the characters! my question is, will there be any more of lilac? i'd like to know more about him, i thought that he was an intriguing character.. i think that's all, thank you for your time!
its always baffling to me when people remember random one-off characters from years ago, i mean im flattered. in his case yeah sorry to disapoint he was just for that one VN (which isnt even playable anymore whoops). basically just "what if demon lures in victims through video game", an unheard of concept from the wicked minds of a 16 year old. and the reason he looks like that and has a female version is cause hes trying to appeal to weebs
how do you design your characters?? whats the process and all? (and also, will there be a Chas shimeji?:0)
i wrote a pretty detailed blog entry on that here. basically collecting vague things of interest in my head till they turn into a character. about the chas shimeji, the short answer is no. but its funny you mention that because i actually attempted to make one 2 years ago and gave up on it lol
Stupid question but how did you learn to draw hands so good idk years ago they also looked so nice and I love how you draw them and it’s probably just the practice answer but I’ll ask anyway 😭
yeah sorry man idk what to tell you.... getting down the anatomical basics and then exaggerating them...... tbh i dont think anything anatomy related is really a strength of mine so i cant exactly give any good advice on that. dont feel bad for asking tho
I don't know if you will see this since its 9 months later, but will you update this website more? It's the coolest one I have ever seen, and I miss it....
okay ominous ass message... wym bro im still here and updating more or less weekly dont scare me
How long have you been on the internet and have you done commissions before?
been online since elementary school more or less but only started posting around age 13. also yes ive done many commissions before but atm i only do them for friends or if its for a cool projects, ah and ig sometimes ill open a few slots on instagram if i wanna buy useless bullshit. so if youre interested in that you should prob follow me there
milo digital:
any html games coming PerHaps?
probably not. ive mentioned this before but i feel like ive gotten everything there is out of the format and while ig i could tell different stories with different characters, it feels a little redundant to me and id rather focus on actual engine game projects atm
how do you have the energy to do all this cool shit? how did you learn how to code?
i always need to occupy my mind with something and i cant stand being bored so i like working a lot, thats why i make lots of stuff. also im pretty quick so i can just churn out updates faster ig... altho rn im in a bit of a lazy, sluggish hole. so yea i def have less productive phases sometimes but generally i go insane when i dont have anything to do. i taught myself how to code by watching some videos and copying from W3 schools but mostly trial and error (thats why my old code is so dogshit). i enjoy problem solving tasks and making websites is just that mixed with design
some dude:
what are your biggest inspirations for your art? like, other artists, media, ect.
of course i get inspired by tons of random things i happen to see outside or read about (i wrote about that here) but in terms of media, well its pretty obvious ig. fromsoftware games are a big inspiration for me, also Tsutomo Nihei, Ashley Wood, Tom William, beany tuesday and Q Hayashidas work (as anyone would probably be able to tell by looking at my older stuff). and then theres many more great artists online (which im not gonna name bacause im too lazy to scroll though my twitter follows rn, apologies). stuff from ones childhood also tends to find its way into your art, i grew up on old point and click adventures, HR Giger and Lord of the rings (thanks to my dad). recently ive been into old woodcut prints too as well as the illustrations on notgeld from the 20s. i also like mecha garage kits but those hardly count as a media (i enjoy the unconventional designs)
honestly not sure why but "what are your inspos/fav artists" is always kind of dreaded question for me cause idk how to give a good answer that feels comprehensive (this one def wasnt), also i get scared that ppl will think i just copy others or something even if its stupid
how did you learn blender? stupid question if but i i’ve it as a hub jeff and i’m so bad at it and i don’t really find much on youtube lol maybe i didn’t look there right
gonna be real with you man youtube is the way to go (also who is jeff). i get it tho Blender and me have had an extremely rocky start, i wanted to learn it for years and even attempted the infamous donut a couple of times but just got entirely overwhelmed and never managed to get a hold of the UI (mostly cause i was too stubborn to use key shortcuts for whatever reason). i even had a course on blender irl at my uni that amounted to nothing. all that just for me to learn in it within 2 days by just sitting down and following a video step my step (well, ofc theres still tons i dont know but i managed to model, rig and texture a character from scratch.)
ok long story short, for complete googoogaga basics
this video is good and its what i watched back then
and from there out whenever you run into a new thing you can just type it into the searchbar and there will 100% be a video explaining how to do it. biggest thing for me was just staying with the total rudimentary stuff for a while without even touching modifiers much and just working myself up
I'm trying to balance uni with all the homework that comes as a business major w/video production focus, my job (I'm an assistant manager), maintaining healthy eating habits (spoiler: no time to cook for myself), and hanging out with friends. I have no clue if you are in any similar boat, but if you are, how do you balance all of it? I usually have to sacrifice one or more and it's usually always sleep or food (I rely on fast food anyway, although not the best choice, I'm aware).
yup, definitely in a similar boat here (well, depending on the time of year at least). unfortunately this is a question that has plagued mankind for ages lol so im afraid i dont have any new mind blowing revelations to offer. the food part i can especially relate to cause i eat like shit or not at all when im busy, one thing you can do is combine cooking and hanging out with your friends, that can give you some motivation to put in effort. (or if youre terrible in the kitchen like me buy the ingredients and let your friends cook for you lmao. only if they want to of course.) but yea tbh since most hangouts involve getting or making food i sorta plan around that and its worked decently well, i dont eat frozen pizza nearly as often anymore. trying to combine tasks is sort of the main thing i do. when im bored at work i doodle and come up with stuff for plotlines etc.
how old were you when you started drawing? how long have you been doing it? what got you into it?
i always liked drawing since kindergarden tbh, my parents are both art enjoyers/creatives too more or less so they were very supportive of my hobby and tried to push it. i dont rlly like to label myself an "artist" tho idk for me its just the medium i happen to use to get my ideas across, i mostly love to create worlds others can experience and interact with. until i was like 12 years old i actually wanted to become an archeologist or a chemistry/history teacher lol quite the different route
multiple ppl:
"insert any question related to old pages that are gone now"
yes yes i know... a lot of you liked my old characters, i liked them too back then, it was nice while it lasted more or less. ive talked abt this before on here but unfortunately i cant keep the old art/games/comics public because i dont want people to look at them, sure theres a bit of shame mixed in since they were blatendly created by a crazed teenager but mostly i just dont indentify with my old art anymore. it just doesnt resonate with me, hence i dont want to asociate with- or share it anymore. usually im all about archiving but i sorta had to give up on that lol, sorry but theyre staying dead and buried
Hey so um how did you make your border, and buttons? I'm new to this :')
if you mean the code, its a big iframe in the middle with 4 gifs arranged around it to form the border(its sliced up so it doesnt cover tzhe actual middle part). the buttons have links attached to them to open the other pages which are seperate files. any link that opens within the iframe (like the news tab) have a target="frame". if this sound confusing i suggest just researching how iframes work and the rest is pretty self-explanatory.
and if you mean the assets themselves, idk i just drew them in CSP and animated them slightly then arranged them all into shape
Are there any books/websites you recommend for learning about knights and medieval times for begginers?
(just noticed that someone already asked something like this a few days before lol sorry joshua wherever you are)
yeah i have good some stuff, unfortunately i a big chunk of it is in german with no translation...lol. for starters i would stay away from any video or post that has that sort of "pop-history" fun fact type vibe about it. like "5 weird things ppl were doing in medieval times!" those are usually full of inaccuracies.
a very good youtube channel that can also be found as a podcast is Geschichtsfenster, they make pretty long form videos about all kinds of medieval history related things. unfortunately that ones just in german, ig you can put on auto translate subtitles but yea ik its not optimal.
another nice english channel is Kaz Rowe, she talks about a lot of historical topics not just medieval ones in a bit of a more modern vibe but theyre very well researched and she actually is a historian herself.
honestly youtube is a pretty good place to learn (especially for beginners) as long as you keep an eye out, Modern History TV also exists amongst many others
as far as books go, if youre interested in medieval juristics i can recommend Folter, Pranger, Scheiterhaufen: Rechtsprechung im Mittelalter, which is very good for ppl who dont like reading since it has lots of pictures and is pretty short lol. Im also reading Anatomy of torture atm which is mostly about the spanish inquisition, more dry and scientific tho. most of my other books are more so about armor and weapons specifically (with once again, no translation), you can look at the titles on the picture, click to enlarge.
i dont have too many websites to offer
- a chapter exzerpt from Miracle Cures on life in medieval ages, 26 page PDF,
- this old one has some general infos
- this ones from an amory so take the pictures with a grain of salt but theyre good drawing references
also tbh, for general discussion and casual reading you might wanna give reddit a chance
Any advice for someone in highschool who wants to be a artist for video games? (Im in the US so its probably different tho)
Also have you ever thought about making youtube videos?
hmmm my only advice is probably branching out from only wanting to do concept art or character design for games (thats what most artists, myself included want for the most part) and also doing some UI or 3D work or animation etc. working for games is very tedious, laborous, colaborative and pretty different from being a freelance illustrator for example so if you want to stand out in the market youre gonna have to hustle and adapt pretty heavily. unfortunately 80% of it is networking too, so just trying to meet other people you can work together with on projects is a big deal. in general, your gotta be pretty invested in it to really go anywhere so really think about it if you wanna do it as a career or maybe leave it at a hobby.
in regards to going to uni/college for game design, i sort of do recommend it but only if its financially viable to you. because its mostly beneficial for meeting other gamedevs and getting into the industry but doesnt neccesarrily teach you *that* much if you dont put in work in your down time as well. so if youre gonna go broke over it its not worth it imo but otherwise sure go for it.
about youtube videos, yea ive thought about it and i have uploaded some miscellaneous ones as you can see on this website, but i prob wont ever go all out and create content. a big part of it is honestly just that i refuse to speak english on camera lol. so ill keep posting random stuff and sketchbook tours but im not gonna be the next "25 WAYS to improve your art QUICKLY" guy
Do you plan to make any other games soon?
When's your birthday??
if you mean games like the visual novels on this website then probably no, because i feel like i got everything i can out of the format and there isnt rlly much i can do to make it more interesting since html is so limiting for games (gee i wonder why). but if you mean games in general then yes definitely. im working on something rn with some of my friends that i also just made a devlog page for, the demo will prob be out some time next year. a bit different from my usual style but itll be banger
my birthday is march 22nd
What are you planning to do as a career?
im almost done with uni (game design) now, so afterwards ill be pursuing that further (altho the industrie is in shambles atm lol itll prob be a while till i get a decent job). think i will always stay indie tho, preferably join a cool studio or start my own. unless i get a crazy good job offer or something. currently im just doing an internship and some freelance stuff on the side, i always like helping out with projects. so yeah short answer is im doing game developement and some misc design/illustration gigs even if i might have to work part time on the side for a while
3D TUTORIAL when??
whats your favorite animal?? w
second one is easy, gorillas, hogs, manuls and alligators. first one well... i actually attempted to record some footage of my process but havent done anything with it yet. partially because im lazy/busy but also because honestly my 3D skills are still very rudimentary so im really not qualified to show anyone how its done lol. once i get my blog page up and running i might make a post about 3D art, its def still on my agenda
send me more questions.... more