if you have any questions about anything at all you can ask them here and i can give a more detailed and or long form answer. gonna add a QnA page soon so thats what this is for

(these will will be public obv )

QnA question submission sheet

Any advice for someone in highschool who wants to be a artist for video games? (Im in the US so its probably different tho) Also have you ever thought about making youtube videos?

hmmm my only advice is probably branching out from only wanting to do concept art or character design for games (thats what most artists, myself included want for the most part) and also doing some UI or 3D work or animation etc. working for games is very tedious, laborous, colaborative and pretty different from being a freelance illustrator for example so if you want to stand out in the market youre gonna have to hustle and adapt pretty heavily. unfortunately 80% of it is networking too, so just trying to meet other people you can work together with on projects is a big deal. in general, your gotta be pretty invested in it to really go anywhere so really think about it if you wanna do it as a career or maybe leave it at a hobby.

in regards to going to uni/college for game dsign, i sort of do recommend it but only if its financially viable to you. because its mostly beneficial for meeting other gamedevs and getting into the industry but doesnt neccesarrily teach you *that* much if you dont put in work in your down time as well. so if youre gonna go broke over it its not worth it imo but otherwise sure go for it.
about youtube videos, yea ive thought about it and i have uploaded some miscellaneous ones as you can see on this website, but i prob wont ever go all out and create content. a big part of it is honestly just that i refuse to speak english on camera lol. so ill keep posting random stuff and sketchbook tours but im not gonna be the next "25 WAYS to improve your art QUICKLY" guy

Do you plan to make any other games soon?
When's your birthday??

if you mean games like the visual novels on this website then probably no, because i feel like i got everything i can out of the format and there isnt rlly much i can do to make it more interesting since html is so limiting for games (gee i wonder why). but if you mean games in general then yes definitely. im working on something rn with some of my friends that i also just made a devlog page for, the demo will prob be out some time next year. a bit different from my usual style but itll be banger

my birthday is march 22nd

What are you planning to do as a career?

im almost done with uni (game design) now, so afterwards ill be pursuing that further (altho the industrie is in shambles atm lol itll prob be a while till i get a decent job). think i will always stay indie tho, preferably join a cool studio or start my own. unless i get a crazy good job offer or something. currently im just doing an internship and some freelance stuff on the side, i always like helping out with projects. so yeah short answer is im doing game developement and some misc design/illustration gigs even if i might have to work part time on the side for a while

3D TUTORIAL when??
whats your favorite animal?? w

second one is easy, gorillas, hogs, manuls and alligators. first one well... i actually attempted to record some footage of my process but havent done anything with it yet. partially because im lazy/busy but also because honestly my 3D skills are still very rudimentary so im really not qualified to show anyone how its done lol. once i get my blog page up and running i might make a post about 3D art, its def still on my agenda

send me more questions.... more