Quick Revs

das boot
score: 8/10

kind of kino tbh. still tho... no movie needs to be longer than 3h imho. i liked the character portrayal, herbert grönemeyer is very good at looking like hes about to start crying any second. i much prefer older war movies over the newer ones tbh
there are no good gifs fml

score: 8/10

game review 4 today. it was good i liked it. it has a lot of charm and care put into the historical research, i was pretty surprised to find out that it was an american game since the portrayal of the bavarian villiage was so authentic. the plot has some really good moments but also some that are kind of uhh not as well executed (mainly the ending of act 2, especially when you chose martin it literally makes no sense for lenhart to protect him and lenhart in general is a little too evil for the sake of it in comparison to all the other antagonistic characters that are very well developed) also act 3 was alright but kind of nothing burger most of the time. but yea its a nice game i would recommend, it has lots of nice details

score: 6.5/10

this movie is way overhyped ngl, i get it its cool and vintage looking but the plot was incredibly generic and just meh. i mean it was well executed overall but idk i really didnt feel anything while watching not scared or uncomfortable or on edge or anything, just mildly interested in the story but as soon as stuff got revealed in the last third i was just rolling my eyes. i mean its an okay movie but nothing too special besides the style and casting

apple seed(2004)
score: 4.5/10

lowkey ass its not bad enough to be funny or anything its just kinda boring. some of the mech designs were cool but dont be fooled by the poster its in this putrid ass 3d animated style that looks like a mobile game ad. its like almost charming looking but doesnt quite manage to, i think i could convince myself to like it if the plot wasnt so boring. i think theres more of this movie? cause i saw a regular 2d one and a diffrent 3d style maybe those are better than the 2004 one

tetsuo: the iron man
score: uhh/10

i mean its def an interesting watch lol idk go watch if you like weird gross stuff (altho it wasnt particularly disturbing or anything). funny how at the beginning i immediadly plugged in my headphones cause i just had the feeling there would be loud moaning and screaming and i didnt want my roommate to hear, wise choice indeed! also ive been listening to the soundtrack even before watching without knowing apparently

vinland saga
score: 8/10 (1st season) 5/10 (2nd season)

people who act like this is a thoughtprovoking philosophical seinen are insane. this is shonen slop straight from the barrel. but its GOOD shonen slop, i was thoroughly entertained and actually quite invested. loved the characters and their dynamics but Askeladd def stole the show cause hes like, genuinly well written and a very cool and fun to watch character. idk man it was a fun show, but its weakest when it tries to get philosophical (vinland heads are gonna despise me for this one but errr), not because i want it to be mindless fighting 24/7 but because they just cant pull it off well. sorry but the second season is torterous, if i was a 16 year old gymrat and this was babies first character arc after only consuming black clover and dragonball all my life id probably be blown away by the concept that the main character doesnt end up being the strongest guy in the world as well, but alas im not that. wow guys....a true warrior.. refuses to kill, protects the weak and doent fight for the sake of it...? thats crazy....thorfinns arc was set up from the beginning, and im fine with it being "kid consumed by rage and vengance has to cope with all the carnage around him and figure out how to live a fullfilling life and move away from killing despite everything, becomes farmer with wife and kids" but the way they went about it in season two is so stretched out and miandering about that very simple and obvious conclusion, that it honestly felt insulting to the viewer. we all know where this is going and what thorfinns gonna learn you dont need to bash it into our brains when its already so on the nose. idk its a shame cause its very apparent that this is the story the author actually wanted to tell and the first season was just set up but sorry dude writing pacifism just isnt his streghth. i dont think hes a bad writer at all as evident by some genuinly emotional moments before but yeah. nah. and worst of all i hated the new characters they added. Einar needs to die fr and the other blokes too. honestly thorfinn and the way he acts was mostly fine too but everything around it just eughhh so annoying and tedious to watch them do anything. (also hideous MAPPA artstyle). all in all, first season was good (very unintentionally funny with some actually good character moments), but i didnt like the second one. if i want to read a story where they actually manage to pull that concept off i just read Vagabond.

its much better at being a good shonen than being a mediocre seinen, which it tries to be

memories: magnetic rose & cannon fodder
score: 9/10 (MR) 8/10(CF)

i actually just wanted to watch cannon foder since ive been meaning to, i didnt even know it was part of the same series as magnetic rose of which ive seen clips of pretty often before. anyways theyre both rlly good, CF is more my personal style (it even inspired some of my art in the past) but MR def wins plot wise. i didnt end up watching the third short of the series tho idrc abt that one. thank you pirating gods for finally providing me with a site i can watch niche shit on so i dont have to rely on ooc youtube clips anymore!

junk head
score: 9/10

guys this is cinema. ive waited very long to watch this movie and now i finally could. its like they tailored it specifically to me lol

armored core 6
score: 9/10

actual kino its so good. i played it on release which was a year ago lmao but i just remembered how much i love it

shadow of the erdtree DLC
score: 7.5/10

ill keep myself short cause im honestly tired of it and ive been quite burned out on elden ring. yes its very good and exceeds the base game in many ways. the actual design of the environments is amazing and i enjoyed the level design a lot. to me it fixed a lot of things that bothered me about the base games open world BUT i will say there are a lot of areas empty of items or rewards for exploring. i love how multilayered everything feels without having extra maps for underground areas and the way it leads you around the map organically. the bosses are a very mixed bag for me. most of them decent or good but some just fucking suck actual dick like senessax or the inquisitor fight or the dancing lion re-match. and of course ill adress the elephant in the room, the final boss. its dogshit all around sorry. ik some casual fans can trick themselves into thinking its good but its just not. when i saw the leaks a few days before release i deadass thought they were fake but alas. its just so incredibly boring to revive a boss we already know in the least interesting way ever, cause its just him again but iN hIs pRimE and we get NOTHING new on his characterization besides shit she we already know and the fact that he fucks w minors now ig. hurrrr he like battle! he like uhhhh godfwee! hes lion!!! okay bro what the fuck ever. it is absolutely hilarious that mohg turned out to be innocent tho. i like the way they characterized miquella and the entire build up to the fight and all but they just dropped the ball so hard at the very end. literally just switch out radahn with a new character thats all i want. also gameplay wise the fight is wayyy overtuned in the second phase its just not well designed. only good thing about it is the music. he looks dumb asf too youre telling me he was revived from the dead through some fucked up ritual into mohgs corpse and he just looks like an action figure with a couple of horns on his wrists? die. anyways. yea idk the rest of the dlc is good ig. i think the overtuning is a bit of an issue in general but idrgaf to talk about balancing. my favorite bosses (to fight) were scadutree avatar,midra, putrecent knight and messmer. okay maybe i didnt really keep myself short after all. uhhh yeah as i said if i sound a bit cynical its just cause im kinda over ER atp the DLC was uhhh yeah. idk. i mean its good ig. but the whole thing made me realise how much i prefer the other fromsoftware games and i hope they use the DLC as a fitting end and dont make any more of Elden ring (also theyre milking the shit out of it with all the mangas and merch and series and possible mobile games theyre planning, hopefully its just so they can get the funds they need to go independant from bandai)

anyways: the DLC is just elden ring on steroids, it enhances both the good and the bad aspects of the game

jin-roh the wolf brigade
score: 7.6/10

(another wolf movie lol) yeah it was pretty good ig. dont have too much to say about it, its very slow paced but has some good moments. id be lying tho if i said the only reason i watched it wasnt because the armor looks cool

brotherhood of the wolf
score: 7/10

yup the influences bloodborne took from this movie are def very apparend lol. nothing really stood out to me plot wise tbh it was a decent watch but its strengths mostly lie in the presentation

the greta yokai war
score: lmao idk 5/10

i fell asleep during the second half lol idk what happened at alll its some kids movie idk not much going on plot wise but the practical effects and yokai were rlly cool. except for that one thing thats literally just a plushie on a string and they dont even try to make it look like anything more than that but its funnier that way so its okay

actually i woulda shat myself if i saw this as a kid

snow piercer
score: 7/10

pretty good but you need a very high suspension of disbelieve cause literally nothing makes sense if think abt it for more than 2 seconds. you can tell its based on a comic which is a good thing, the visuals are nice and the characters very vivid. the cheesiness just comes along with that

dungeon meshi
score: 9/10

as someone whos been a big fan of the manga since 2018 (obligatory mention now that its become popular cough cough) i def enjoyed the adaptation. what can i say its just good. great characters, worldbuilding and pacing.

score: 6/10
theater experience: 8.5/10

the movie itself is alr but i actually really enjoyed it mainly due to the sound design in the cinema. also i love historical movies and science stuff so it made a bit sad. im okay with being an artist for the rest of my life but im actually quite passionate about those topics too and wouldve pursued them given the chance. alas. the casting, german dub and overall production quality were good too

score: idk/10

i feel like its unfair for me to rate this movie since im like the opposite of the target audience. obv i didnt care much for it

mad god
score: 8.5/10

goes hard asf i mean the pacing is sluggish as all hell but idrc

wendell and wild
score: 7/10

cool but plot was very rushed esp at the end

cyberpunk edgerunners
score: 6/10

was enjoyable but the characters werent written very well (lucy bruh...)

Top Gun: Maverick
score: 3.7/10

movie sucked balls. also you assholes tricked me

Super Dark Times
score: 6/10

liked it at first but the ending was whack. they threw it in the last quarter

the sandman
score: 5/10

i wanted to like it as a campy series but the CGI was so horrendous im sorry. theres no redeeming the last few episodes..

score: 6/10

was alright. didnt rlly find it disturbing tho

heartbreak high
score: 5/10

surprisingly entertaining but obviously stupid
believe it or not but dumb high school shows are one of my biggest guilty pleasures besides adult swim cartoons. i like them because i can just turn off my brain and be head empty while watching. so did i think this show was good? ehhh nah not really. but i did enjoy watching it ngl i binged it in 2 days. for those who dont know, heartbreak high is about these two friends who had a big fight which broke them apart and we only find out what really happened at the very end. they had a wall in the school where they would write about all the relationships of other students on it and (obviously) the school finds out and Amerie (the protag) gets in trouble and everyone at school hates her. yes its pretty much exactly what youd expect from that kind of premise and show and yes it’s pretty much just sex education but Australian instead of British.

as always im gonna start with what i liked about it. the comedic timing was actually pretty good on a lot of the jokes and while some of them were cringe i think all in all its a pretty funny show. Also even tho almost all the characters are assholes lowkey its actually not unbearable to watch them. Which is something not every show with unlikable characters achieves! also theres thismone character whos your typical "quirky girl" archetype which are always very obviously neurodivergent, but they actually had the balls to just straight up make her autistic this time. I can respect that at least even if she was kinda cringe. (also fuck her gf lol she rlly reminds me of some people i know). queer rep was pretty decent, i mean i couldnt relate whatsoever but ive given up on that atp. what else did i like hmmmm... i liked that there wasnt any unnecessary nudity, because the characters are supposed to be teens after all (caugh caugh euphoria).

ok so now things i didnt like. its uh... for a lack of better words "tiktokified". many cringey uses of stan twitter slang irl and stuff like that (someone actually said "i love it when a toxic bitch is in her flop era😍" out loud) its a bit hard to watch at times. but then again there are real life teens who talk like that so honestly its not even that unrealistic. im just not sure how self aware the show is? because a lot of the characters do act like shitty 16-20 year olds but idk how intentional it is or if youre supposed to like the them or not. its kinda hard to describe what exactly i mean when you havent watched the show. but for example they all wear these horrid 2020 trendy ali express/shein necklaces and outfits wich a lot of people irl do too so its sorta realistic but also maybe its just bad costume design and theyre actually supposed to look good. if its truly all intentional the props to them but idk if i give them that much credit. either way ig it sorta works. also i just did not like harper at all shes so fucking annoying. like i get why she was pissed at amerie but the way she just refuses to tell her what happened or why shes so mad when amerie genuinely couldnt have known is just so stupid. and she just keeps treating her and others like shit the entire time even if it wasnt super intentionally malicious (spoiler:) like when she slept with malakai, that was totally taking advantage of him when he was in a vulnerable state and just wrong honestly. but the show doesnt even really address it from that perspective and makes it about a weird slut shaming thing? also why tf did she throw a cake at amerie as if she couldnt have handled that any other way. and her dating the guy amerie was in love with for years even tho she didnt even rlly care for him because "idk it just happened". Whatever i feel like she just sucks. oh and ca$hs hairstyle is atrocious and i hate looking at it. also ik thats just what these shows are like but the cast seemed very stereotypical i wouldve liked some subversion. eh.

so all in all i think it is what it is. its just like what youd expect. Which is fine. it does kind of seem like they were like "ok lets mix sex education with euphoria its gonna be banger" tho.

inside job
score: 6/10

you can watch it while eating or drawing its fine for that but overall pretty mediocre show imo. lost potential.
inside job is a netflix animated comedy about conspiracies and stuff. Im assuming youve already watched it but you can also read this if you havent yet i wont spoil it.

ig ill start with what i liked about it. first of all i rlly like the concept.. i mean conspiracies are very interesting and stupid most of the time and a bit creepy thats perfect for an adult animated show and gives you many cool plot and joke opportunities. Its also cool that the creator of gravity falls worked on this cuz i love gravity falls (doesnt everyone? lol). Also the animation is pretty nice. the two main characters Reagan and Brett are alright personally i didnt care too much about them but i know a lot of people like them. theyre decently developed and have a nice dynamic. there are some funny jokes here and there but thats mostly all the good that stood out to me.

now ill get to the things that bothered me. first things first it wasnt all that funny (humor is subjective ofc this is my opinion) it had a lot of jokes but they just werent that good most of the time. they relied on references a lot which is to be expected since the whole show is largely based on pop culture and i dont hate those jokes inherently but they felt kinda forced and outdated most of the time. there was a "like a boss" joke in the first episode like dude. in 2021? Since they spent all their character development on brett and reagan the rest of the cast are basically only for comedic relief. Except theyre not funny. most of the jokes are about how theyre assholes. the fungus and the drug guy have pretty much the same personality and the other girls whole thing is basically saying "let me take a selfie before canceling you on twitter. hashtag L.O.L."
there was also some underlying cringe shit too like weird portrayal of addicts, they keep using the word Asperger idk just lame shit like that theres some more.

eventho the animation was nice i didnt like the artstyle that much i wish they went with something more original instead it just looks like another rick and morty clone. but i think that sums it up pretty well its in that awkward spot between being just another forgettable netflix show and being one of the good tm adult animations. i think it has the potential to be an 8/10 in the second season if they quit the weird shitty things (a lot could be fixed if they just gave some development to the side characters that would make the show funnier too)

update: i just watched the second season and well, i kinda like it even less now. honestly i dont get why its popular online when its just so painfully... mid. the characters are as one dimensional as ever and the jokes are just so lazy and bad. idk the humor is just what i can describe as "some 34 year old vaguely liberal (but in an ~edgy~ way) dudes who are into podcasts got together to make the most average and cynical adult animation netflix show ever". like no scene is allowed to be serious and no character is allowed to be intimidating they all have to break any immersion that happens to occur with some lame lamp shading, 4th wall breaking joke. and besides a handful of characters the entire cast could be easily replaced by each other. what i mean by that is the way they write character interaction never feels like something a person would actually say, its all just excuses for more jokes. and the jokes arent character or even situation specific, they could be said by anyone at any time. whatever i dont wanna turn this into some reddit rant cause who cares. the show got canceled anyway. oh but! At least we got like 56 more celebrity cameos. hurray! doesnt everyone love those? (i am a hater and the show has no charm whatsoever to me. at least the concept is kinda cool.)

smiling friends
score: 7.8/10

so although im not a fan of oneyplays, i was actually quite excited for this show when it was announced. sorry i love dumb adult comedy animation.

this is going to be more of a short review since there’s honestly not much to say. i liked it and i thought it was funny. the humor is pretty unique and they actually successfully managed to implement internet jokes without it being cringe asf. i do feel like some of the jokes where a tad overused or well... very close to being overused. like if they did it one more time it wouldn’t be funny anymore (for example the someone screaming and then cutting away rlly quickly one). so i hope they keep that in mind in the next season. i also liked that they didn’t stretch out the episodes and kept them nice and short.

another thing i thought was good is that they didn’t do that trope where every character is an obnoxious asshole for no reason cause they do that soooo much in these types of cartoons so its nice seeing them being chill for once. as far as art style goes it’s alright ig i don’t care much for it but it doesn’t look bad or ugly or anything. i liked the parts where there was claymation or 3D.

the jokes abt cancel culture sometimes got me like *insert that gif of the rock raising his eyebrow*.

so do i recommend it? if you like that sort of show then yes but if you watched one episode and didn’t get it or didn’t find it funny then honestly don’t watch the rest cause its just more of that. Personally i really enjoyed it... the mr frog episode was my favorite and i like the long red guy.

update on the second season: it was pure slop and the whole thing about "if they do this joke one more time itll be unfunny" came true in a million ways 5/10