- 05.02.25- Bookshelf, fanart, qna, rev, art
- 17.01.25- 3D
- 03.01.25- QnA, art, blog, rev, noises
- 16.12.24- 3D,rev, devlog
- 17.11.24- QnA, devlog, rev
- 06.11.24- art, more art, devlog, more art, bs
- 21.10.24- dnd fart, devlog
- 13.10.24- new about page, comic
- 05.10.24- Dahn wiki,rev
- 01.10.24- new blog, devlog etc
- 27.09.24- any questions?
- 26.09.24- 3D again
- 20.09.24- 3D,misc
- 29.08.24- 3D, revs,the beast,art,vyke world tour
- 29.07.24- durrrr, revs
- 19.07.24- 3D stuff, fart,doodles,revs
- 30.06.24- fanart,art,chas
- 15.06.24- new design,some art
- 08.06.24- 3d model
- 01.06.24- note,uni, sketchbook, doodles, chas
- 20.04.24- uni, doodles
- 15.04.24- photos, lame empty page, art
- 01.04.24- 3D stuff, pixel
- 27.03.23- art,fanart
- 06.03.23- additions,fanart
- 23.02.24- sketchbook tour vid, chas,doodles
- 19.02.24- pictures, art
- 11.02.24- updated abt page
- 07.02.24- character design post
- 24.01.24- 3D stuff, sinek,doodles,uni
- 07.01.24- SURVEY!, chas,fanart
- 04.01.24- new wiki layoutsss
- 28.12.23- le 3d model
- 25.12.23- NEW GAME

- 22.12.23- wiki update
- 20.12.23- sketchbook, figures
- 09.12.23- doodles,fanart
- 01.12.23- doodles, comic,about,eugh
- 12.11.23- art,fanart
- 09.11.23- PSA
- 05.11.23- poll results
- 04.11.23- doodles, sinek,sketches,slop
- 23.10.23- uni, art,chas
- 15.10.23- plague ridden individual
- 11.10.23- doodles
- 04.10.23- GAMING, art
- 30.09.23- more
- 23.09.23-AC6 fanart
- 017.09.23- isaac, balls
- 08.09.23- speed paint
- 07.09.23- sum art
- 03.09.23- painting tutorial ig
- 02.09.23- some more sketches, doodles
- 30.08.23- sketches
- 26.08.23- streams? stares at you
- 22.08.23-misc fanart
- 17.08.23- comms.. please.. eugh..
- 10.08.23- page for a guy
- 09.08.23- fanfarts
- 04.08.23- sketches
- 30.07.23- new character wiki layout
- 29.07.23- 19 wiki
- 28.07.23- fanart, uni, quick revs
- 22.07.23- doodles,
- 18.07.23- fanart, uni
- 07.07.23- poop comic
- 06.07.23- updated review zone
- 30.06.23- im on artfight again this year
- 29.06.23- video, fanfart
- 27.06.23- fanart, doodles,uni,figures
- 20.06.23- fanart, more random stuff
- 10.06.23- fanart, sketchbook
- 01.06.23- WAAAAA
- 25.05.23- uni, fanfart
- 15.05.23- updated olive wiki! fanfart, uni stuff, isaac (ew...)
- 01.05.23- figures, fanfart
- 28.04.23- uni stuff, fanfart
- 22.04.23- new doll page + video, fanfart
- 17.04.23- dream diary
- 16.04.23- uni stuff,
- 13.04.23- ds fanart
- 07.04.23- uni art
- 06.04.23- updated gardener wiki
- 04.04.23- click this
- 02.04.23- chas wiki updated vers
- 29.03.23- poop video
- 26.03.23- new layout yay, misc fanfart
- 23.03.23- fanart
- 19.03.23- general updates, new gallery,
my figures
- 16.03.23- olive,
- 12.03.23- sketches,
fart soundeffect
- 07.03.23- art... more art
- 02.03.23- chas, fanart
- 24.02.23- fanartss
- 22.02.23- store update
- 20.02.23- doodles, misc
- 16.02.23- fanart
- 10.02.23- updated marisols wiki
- 07.02.23- fanart
- 06.02.23- sum art, hi
- 30.01.23- uni project
- 29.01.23- chas will be real in 55 seconds
- 25.01.23- doodles
- 17.01.23- una, marisol art, fanart, doodles
- 13.01.23- about me, comic abt me, fanart
- 10.01.23- hmmmmmmm
- 09.01.23- fanart
- 07.01.23- sketchbook
- 05.01.23- isaac art, uni stuff
- 04.01.23- 19 art, fanart, misc drawings
- 31.12.22- year almost over el oh el
- 30.12.22- doodles; fanart
- 25.12.22- speedpaint, bloodborned art
- 17.12.22- fanart again
- 15.12.22- public service announcement
- 12.12.22- movie review
- 09.12.22- fanart
- 07.12.22- isaac, uni "animation", doodles
- 05.12.22- insane person
- 04.12.22- marisol and chas art
- 29.11.22- uni stuff, speedpaint, fanart
- 27.11.22- even more art
- 26.11.22- chas art
- 23.11.22- hehehe

- 20.11.22- uni projects, doodles, fanart
- 15.11.22- more art thumbs up
- 11.11.22- my figures,
- 10.11.22- more art for uni yay... yaayyy..
- 08.11.22- character art
- 05.11.22- olive
- 03.11.22- art 4 uni
- 31.10.22- 1 2 3
- 27.10.22- andrew halloween Special
- 20.10.22- doodles,
- 19.10.22- sum trad art
- 17.10.22- chass art,
new chat sorta
- 13.10.22- updated androos wiki also
- 11.10.22- updated mortis wiki hrrm hrrrm
- 09.10.22- frank, updated isaacs wiki, doodle
- 05.10.22- doodles
- 02.10.22- awesomest video (not fake)
- 27.9.22- review
- 26.9.22- olive art, and some doodles
- 23.9.22- isaac art, fanart
- 21.9.22- random pile of note scraps
- 18.9.22- the dawg, commission update 0_0
- 16.9.22- rearranged the doodles page & added a bunch of art
- 14.9.22- coding tutorials, fanart (ø_ô)
- 09.9.22- speedpenis
- 06.9.22- doodles, fanart
- 03.9.22- chas' wiki !!! ,doodles ,fanart
- 29.8.22- how to make a simple visual novel
- 27.8.22- doodles & fanart
- 20.8.22- drew fanfarts
- 18.8.22- very very wonderful comic short

- 14.8.22- Isaac...
- 13.8.22- doodle thats more of a painting lol
- 11.8.22- sketchbook page scans
- 26.7.22- andrew art, doodles, fanart
- 24.7.22- mari art
- 20.7.22- pictures~ ,fanart o-o
- 17.7.22- obnoxious stickers + a reminder that this thing exists
- 16.7.22- silly knight ,fanart eugh
- 14.7.22- 19 wowza
- 12.7.22- androo&isaac art
- 11.7.22- new drawings ,...fanart ofc
- 06.7.22- figurez ,some fanart
- 01.7.22- another silly speedpaint , fanart
- 29.6.22- im joining artfight this year o3o
- 28.6.22- speedpaint
- 27.6.22 some sketches &fanart (artblock -.-)
- 23.6.22- AWOOOO
- 22.6.22- public service announcement!
- 21.6.22- viktor doodlez & olives personal notes
- 19.5.22- hehey new layout! & more fanart lul
- 17.6.22- eugh , fanfart
& some pics
- 11.6.22- review , isaac art lol,
more doodles
+ doodles
- 2.6.22- isaac art
- 1.6.22- updated about me page
- 30.5.22- fanart (knight time)
- 28.5.22- mari art lolol
- 27.5.22- morti art
- 26.5.22- series review & fanart
- 19.5.22- fanart, doodlez & another update
- 14.5.22- comic update + some art
- 14.10.21-gallery :)